About Us

Whether you are getting healthy and going after that dream body for the first time, or striving to get your pre baby body back, this is what health and fitness is all about!

There are FAR too many who give up after having children, and we understand how hard it can be. I mean, there really isn't much support, if any at all, for mothers with children out there. Our goal is to change that. 

We offer a supportive, positive, but no b.s. atmosphere. New mothers (and women) have enough on their plates, and don't need people offering negative comments or filling their heads with "can't do" ideas. These classes offer a positive support system where you can get out of the house, bring the kids, and burn some much needed "frustration energy". The kids can run around and play, with you or with the other kids, in a safe environment, while you get fit and maybe chat... just a bit... ;)

Physical touch between you and your child is one of the most heart warming feelings on earth, but did you know it is one of the number one ways to stimulate the mind for proper growth and development. That's right, not only is it your job as a parent to care and love that child, but a mother's touch literally effects the growth of that child.

  • Super safe for mom and baby - Learn what you can and can't do!
  •   Great, uplifting, pump you up and child friendly music (set at low volumes for the children:)
  •   Bond like never before - create an unbreakable attachment between you and your child
  •   Fully baby proof facility with change tables and amenities provided
  •   At your own pace, great for beginners or seasoned fitness moms getting back into it
  • ?Ages NB to 3yrs
  •   Encouraging and motivating teachers that keep you smiling and striving for your goals

The style of exercise for this class is a softened cross training mixture specifically designed for ultimate weight loss and muscle toning all while staying in touch with your body and your children. Each class will take you through a large variety of styles from light dumbbell work to tone the shoulders and sculpt the arms (Strapless dress anyone?), medicine ball drills to flatten and tone the belly (Can you say bikini??), and leg drills to sculpt the butt (Yes!!). We also add some yoga techniques to relax the body and become more flexible, helping you to achieve greater patience and a deeper bond with your child, all while relieving some of that pent up stress parenting can bring with it!?

  Space is limited, we keep classes small to maximize the effectiveness of the program.