Gloria's Convenience in Sudbury
On May 23 at 9:41 AM
Gloria's Convenience updated their profile page in the Business Directory

Gloria's Convenience in Sudbury
On June 12 at 2:13 PM
There are only 7 more days to vote. For those who would like to vote for us, we are listed in the following categories Eating & Drinking Out ~ Best Breakfast; Best Brunch; Best Burger; Best Fries; Best poutine. People & Services ~ Best Bakery; Best Food Server (Brenda; Chrissy; Niki; Tracy) Shopping ~ Best Convenience Store Employer ~ Food Service Industry

Gloria's Convenience in Sudbury
On March 28 at 2:39 PM
Support the CMHA by joining us at Gloria’s for a #2 Breakfast and we will donate proceeds to the CMHA Sudbury/Manitoulin branch.

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